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Akarua Central Otago Bannockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Akarua vineyard is a unique site, measuring 52 hectares, 34.5 of which planted with vines. The estate is tucked into the foothills of the mountains rising above Kawarua River upstream of Lack Dunstan, in the midst of a breathtaking landscape. Located in Bannockburn in the Central Otago region, the vineyard occupies three west-facing terraces and enjoys intense sun all year round. This outstanding terroir lends remarkable character to the Pinot Noir in a reflection of the spectacular mountains surrounding the estate. Floral and spicy, it has a nose of raspberries and blackcurrant, while the pallet derives of black cherry.

Allan Scott Black Label Pinot Noir 750ml


Amisfield Pinot Noir 750ml

Highly aromatic with bright cherry and redcurrant, lifted red fruits coupled with savoury spice and dried herb offer an alluring and enticing nose. The palate is elegant and refined with fruit intensity matched with a supple and silky tannin structure.

Arrogant Frog Lily Pad Pinot Noir 750ml

A medium bodied wine, with ripe tannins and acidity which testify his capability to age. It develops very delicate aromas and a long lasting finish.

Ata Rangi Crimson Pinot Noir 750ml

Crimson is our selection of fruit from younger parcels of vines from our various vineyards on the Martinborough Terrace. In their youth, vines tend to be more fruit expressive, gaining more complexity with time. Now, Crimson is developing more depth of flavour, with a mix of vines aged from 5 to 20 years.

Ata Rangi Pinot Noir 750ml

Arguably New Zealand's finest Pinot Noir, certainly if track records are taken into account, Ata Rangi have been doing Pinot Noir better and for longer than anyone. An incredibly consistent wine since the early 1980s, they've had a dream run even by their lofty standards with four of the finest vintages ever in succession.

Babydoll Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This Pinot Noir has generous aromas of boysenberries, ripe damson plum and nuances of warm spice. The Bouquet has boysenberries, ripe damson plum and nuances of warm spice. On the palate is has juicy blueberries and black plum, balanced with gentle tannins and a subtle toasty finish. It's a superb food match paired with duck, lamb or baked vegetable pasta or on its own.

Camshorn Pinot Noir 750ml

Camshorn Waipara Pinot Noir is a wine that certainly doesn't pull the wool over your eyes - an outstanding varietal and regional expression produced with exceptional quality.

Carrick Unravelled Pinot Noir 750ml

Uncomplicated, upfront and enjoyable. Signature black cherry fruit flavours.

Catalina Sounds Pinot Noir 750ml

A bit brooding at first, this takes a minute to open up. Baking spices, blueberry and cassis, reveal lifted red fruits and cinnamon, wrapped up in a toasty oak. The palate is medium bodied with juicy red cherries, soft acid and fine chalky tannins.

Chard Farm Mata-Au Pinot Noir 750ml

Chard Farm's Mata-Au vineyards are located in the Lowburn and Parkburn areas of the Cromwell basin. The vineyards are planted on the terraces and alluvial schist based soils formed by the Mata-Au (Clutha) River (pronounced martar-o). The unique combination of site, soil and mild continental climate produces perfumed wines with elegant texture, structure and mineral length. It is made from the best blocks in our best vineyards in the Lowburn/Parkburn sub-region. Mata-Au showcases the succulent red fruits and silky tannins that are the hallmarks of this sub-region, delivered in our elegant, textural and length driven style. The bouquet becomes increasingly attractive as it shifts through ripe red berries, sweet floral tones, darker spicy notes and herby complexity. The fresh red fruits, spice, and later wild herb flavours hold a wonderfully harmonious shape and texture, nicely supported with fine persistent tannins and calm acidity.

Chard Farm River Run Pinot Noir 750ml

River Run is Chard Farm's Central Otago regional Pinot Noir made from grapes grown in their vineyards in different sub-regions of Central Otago. The deep alpine valleys and waterways of Central Otago have craved the land available for grape growing into quite distinct sub-regions. Each pocket of land has its own unique climate and soil mix producing quite different styles of Pinot Noir. River Run captures the character of each of the sub-regions where are vineyards are planted. Lowburn gives bright, fresh sweet fruit, Gibbston savory and herbal tones, and Parkburn brings good texture and mineral length. An expressive and complex bouquet with sweet floral notes swirling around ripe cherry and plum fruit with aromatic spice in the background. There's ample fresh fruit and velvety tannin on a palate that is elegant, satisfying and highly drinkable.
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