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Mutu Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

A quintessential hand-picked Chardonnay from the Hawke's Bay. Full-bodied, creamy, toasty and delicious with flavours of stone fruits and ripe grapefruit peel coat the palate with vanilla and Brazil nut wood flavours.

Oyster Bay Chardonnay 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Oyster Bay Pinot Gris 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Oyster Bay Rosé 750ml

Oyster Bay's Marlborough Rosé exudes summer cherry and fragrant blossom notes with a burst of red berries and a lively citrus zest.

Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury.

Pegasus Bay Riesling 750ml

This wine has a star bright lemon hue and while lemons, limes and mandarins come to the fore, there is a background of ripe stonefruit such as peaches and apricots. Honeysuckle and honeycomb influences come from botrytis, which has also made the wine more full bodied and concentrated. It has a spine of natural acidity and tingling minerality that helps draw out the palate structure to a citrus zest finish

Peregrine Saddleback Pinot Gris 750ml

Enticing aromatics of white peach, pear and honeydew melon combine with a bright palate laced with quince, nectarine, and orange zest flavours. A cool climate Pinot Gris, dry in style showing sweet fruit flavours balanced with fresh acidity.

Peregrine Saddleback Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

Lovely crisp bright aromatics of red fruits and florals followed by a light and refreshing palate with fresh summer berries and a morish finish. Soft pink, bright and fruity, a vibrant summer wine to enjoy with or without food.

Peregrine Saddleback Riesling 750ml

Fresh and vibrant aromatics of lemon, lime and orange blossom followed by a soft and luscious palate of honey, mandarin, and crème brulee. Low in alcohol and medium dry in style with fine minerality and a lovely touch of fruit sweetness.

Rabbit Ranch Chardonnay 750ml

Rabbit Ranch Chardonnay is made to express the very best of Central Otago's cool climate, unique schist soils and grand vistas. Handpicking, whole bunch pressing, minimal intervention and oak result in an expressive, energetic wine displaying the typical white floral and ripe citrus notes that are a hallmark of the region's best Chardonnay.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris 750ml

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris, being a mutation of Pinot Noir, revels in the Central Otago conditions that suit Pinot Noir so beautifully - a long slow ripening period is desirable, with cool nights and warm days as the Autumn harvest approaches. The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris has a mineral acidity backbone and an off dry finish that gives the wine a delicious structure and refreshing style.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

Summer in a glass, dry Provençal style - crushed berries over alpine flower & citrus sorbet. Made from 100% Central Otago Pinot Noir fruit, lightly pressed to extract just enough colour to deliver the provencal-esque pale pink. Fermented dry to allow the delicate Pinot red fruit characters and cool climate minerality to hop across your palate.
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